
Sunday, 6 November 2016

The meaning of lingastakam

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Brahmamurarisurarcita Gender *
Brahma, Vishnu, the gods pujimpabadda by gender .. !!

* CLEAN bhasita sobhita Gender *
Gender attired by good words .. !!

* * Gender devastating grief janmaja
Gender can be destroyed by birth, born of suffering .. !!

TAT pranamami Sadashiva * Gender *
Sada Shiva Lingam obeisance to thee, O .. !!

* Gender * devamuni pravararcita
Gender serve great sages .. !!

.Kamadahana Karunakara * Gender *
Satyr burned, the Merciful Lingam's hands .. !!

* * Gender Ravana destructive conceits
Shiva Lingam made of the destruction of Ravana's pride .. !!

* TAT pranamami Sada Shiva Lingam *
These are my salutations to you, O Lord gender-ever .. !!

* All essential sulepita Gender *
Gandhalu all good, as good as the Shiva Lingam painted .. !!

* * Gender mind because vivardhana
The main reason for the development of the Shiva Lingam in the human mind .. !!

* * Gender Vandhita default surasura
Siddhas, deities, Shiva Lingam kirtimpabadda by monsters .. !!

* If this mahamani bhusita Gender *
Gold, Maha Shiva Lingam stationed alankarimpa by manula .. !!

* Gender * phanipati vestita sobhita
Shiva Lingam is home to paintings by attired .. !!

* * Gender detonating Daksha suyajna
Shiva Lingam made good yagna daksudu destroyed .. !!

* TAT pranamami Sada Shiva Lingam *
These are my salutations to you, O Lord gender-ever .. !!

* Saffron Chandana lepita Gender *
Saffron, odor puyabadda Shiva Lingam .. !!

Susobhita pankaja hara * Gender *
Well alankarimpa which are not met by a garland of Shiva Lingam .. !!

* * Gender cumulative destruction of sin
Infection that can destroy the sins of the Shiva Lingam .. !!

* TAT pranamami Sada Shiva Lingam *
These are my salutations to you, O Lord gender-ever .. !!

* Gender * devaganarcita sevita
Stationed serve God by allied tribes, which are consumed in the Shiva Lingam .. !!

* Gender * bhavai rbhakti bhirevaca
By Bhakti serve with a good sense of the Shiva Lingam stationed .. !!

* Gender * dinakara million PRABHAKARA
Another one of the sun-lit by the sun, such as the Shiva Lingam bimbam .. !!

* TAT pranamami Sada Shiva Lingam *
These are my salutations to you, O Lord gender-ever .. !!

* Eight dalopari vestita Gender *
Shiva Lingam eight types of living on the leaves .. !!

* All samudbhava because of the gender *
All of that led to the birth of the Shiva Lingam equal .. !!

* Eight impoverished destructive gender *
Eight kinds of poverty (bad octagon), which would destroy the Shiva Lingam .. !!

* TAT pranamami Sada Shiva Lingam *
These are my salutations to you, O Lord gender-ever .. !!

* Gender * suraguru suravara pujita
Deva Guru (Jupiter), by the gods Shiva Lingam stationed serve .. !!

* Suravana floral sadarcita Gender *
Puce flowers in the gardens of the gods (parijatalu) by the Shiva Lingam, which are not always serve .. !!

* Gender * paramapadam paramatmaka
A Shiva Linga, which is a paradise for your presence

* TAT pranamami Sada Shiva Lingam *
These are my salutations to you, O Lord gender-ever .. !!

* Lingastaka midam handled pattet Shiva sannidhau yah *
When read on the presence of Lord Shiva, is handled a lot of them .. !!

* Shiva world sivena mavapnoti sahamodate *
Shiva will be world .. !!
... Is available in the way of the Lord Shiva aikyamayye.

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Vyasa bhagavanudu by 18 legendary names used in the following slokamandu.

!! Madvayam bhadvayam caiva

Bratrayam vacatusatayam

Anapalinga kuskani

Pracaksata epic !!

Madvayam: Good garnished 2. The legend of the seafood. Markandeya Purana.

Bhadvayam: At garnished 2. In the Bhagavata Purana. The legend of the future.

Bratrayam: Bra garnished 3. the Brahma Purana, Brahma vyevarta the myth, the legend Brahmanda.

Vacutastayam: vakaranto 4. They vayupuranam, pagoda style of architecture legend, Vamana Purana, Vishnu Purana.

Garnished with a legend of the fire, my garnished Narada Purana, Padma Purana garnished with Li garnished gender myth, garnished hours Garuda Purana, Skanda Purana, both garnished garnished with Kurma Purana and racinciri th.

1. Matsya Purana: 14000 slokamulannavi dinolo. Manu visnuvuce matsyavatara dispensed pads. Kartikeya, mayati, savitrula histories. Dharmacaranamulu, Prayag, Varanasi etc. mahatmyamulu told Worship.

2. Markandeya Purana, which has 9000 verses. Maharsice Markandeya said. Sivavisnuvula mahatmyamulu, Indra, the fire, the sun mahatmyamulu and saptapati (or Devi Mahatmya) told. Chandi homamu, satacandi thousandth Chandy Home adharamayinadi this saptasatiye system.

3. Bhagavata Purana, which consists of 18,000 verses. Sukunaku by Veda Vyasa, the pariksat sukuni 12 skandamululo Maharaja Sri Maha Vishnu krsna birth, lilacaritalu detailed.

4. future legend: the 14,500 verses are available. Sun bhagavanunice Manu Intl Y opasana duty, fire devataradhana approach, detailed in Varnasrama properties. In particular the future of the coming period. Jarugabovu definitions of what is mentioned in the future.

5. brahmapuranamu: This is the adipuranam or suryapuranam. In which 10,000 slokalunnavi. Brahmace South Sri krsna, Markandeya, kasyapula history, descriptions, varnadharmalu, dharmacaranalu, heavenly - vavarincabadinavi of hell.

6. Brahmanda legend, which has 12,000 verses. This myth has been mariciki brahmace. Radhadevi, srikrsnudu, Parasurama, Rama histories. Sri Lalita thousandth namastotralu, sivakrsna sotralu, gandharvam, astronomy and description, which explains heaven to hell.

7. vyevarta Brahma Purana, which consists of 18,000 verses. Savarnunice Narada said. Skanda, Ganesha, Rudra srikrsnula grandeur, srstikarta Brahma, srstiki to cause the physical world (prakrti) and Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Savitri, Radha, etc. are explained about the effect of the five elements.

8. Varaha Purana, which consists of 24,000 verses. That is to say the amount of bhudeviki visnuvuce Varaha Avatar. The process is much visnumurti businessman. Pramesvari, pramesvarula histories, law, vratakalpamulu, religious ksetravarnanalu is this mythology.

9. Vamana Purana, which consists of 10,000 verses. Rsi pulastva maharsiki instructing Narada. Onto the shiva, marriage of Shiva and Parvati, sivaganesa, Kartikeya history, geography - rtu detailed descriptions.

10. Air Legend, which has 24,000 verses. It has been vayudevunice. Sivabhagavanuni Mahatmyam standard time, globe, sauramandala Portraiture said.

11. Vishnu Purana: Indu has 23,000 verses. Maitreyuniki parasarudu unto his disciple. Visnumahatmyamu, Sri krsna, Dhruva, Prahlada, Bharatha varnimpabadinavi histories.

12. The legend of the fire, which has 15.400 verses. Bhagavanunice fire vasisnunaku Shiva, ganesa, Durga bhagavadupasana, grammar, candhassu, healing, secular functions, politics, geography, astronomy, etc. jyotisam told things.

13. Narada Purana: Indu has 25,000 verses. Naradudu sanaka, sanandana, sanatkumara, sanataran the four brahmamanasaputrulaku said. The most famous vedapadastavamu (sivastotramu) takes vedangamulu is, non-official, badari Prayag, Varanasi is who takes the field descriptions.

14. Skanda Purana, which consists of 81,000 verses. It Kumaraswamy (skandudu) to say that. Descriptions of the most important sivacaritra shoulder Mahatma, Pradosha Psalms, kasikhandamu, kedarakhandamu, Reva fragment (the posts are in non-official), Vaishnava fragment (venkatacala field), Utkal fragment (Jagannath field), kumarika fragment (Arunachal field), Brahma fragment (Rameshwar field) brahottara fragment. (Gokarnaksetramu, pradosapuja), avantikakhandamu (ksipranadi, poet Mahatmyam), etc. are available.

15. Gender legend: It precepts of Lord Shiva. Lingarupa glory of Shiva, the temple along with the solemn worship. Astrological astronomy, geography detailed.

6. Garuda Purana, who takes slokamulunnavi 19,000. It was initiated visnuvuce garutmantunaku. Sri Mahavishnu devotion, garutmantuni generation, birth, deaths, creature of Heaven - hell specified tours.

17. Kurma Purana, which slokamulunnavi 17,000. It was visnuvuce kurmavatara Meath. Varaha narasimha manifestations, lingarupa sivaradhana, firmament, Varanasi holdings across the globe, prayogaksetra specified descriptions.

18. padmapuranamu: It is made from janmantarala sins, not just this padmapuranamu vininanta matramunane pogottagaligedi. Astadasa mythology's most pogottagaligedi the Padma Purana. The verses tell of the highest figures in the news manuku slokamulalo 85,000. And madukaitabhavadha, brahmasrstikaryamu, gitarthasaram - pathanamahatymam, gangamahatmyam, padmagandhi divyagadha, Gayatri history, ravivrksamahima, Vibhuti Mahatmyam pujavidhulu - vidhanam, God sannithilo padmapurananlo behave in any way that is reported in detail.

Puranamulandali this way, the sequence of things written in the abbreviated form of the Vedic temple naimisaranyamunandu prasiddhamulaiyunnavi paper plates.

Not 62. Catustasti known arts. 64. That is also what is called education. This calculation also some matabhedalunnayi. Some vedalannintini counted together. Some of them pointed to four.

Not 62. Catustasti known arts. 64. That is also what is called education. This calculation also some matabhedalunnayi. Some vedalannintini counted together. Some of them pointed to four.

Law (smrtri)
Sangitasastram (gandharvam)
Kokkokam (kamasastram)
Desabhasa mastery
Different lipijnanam
Indrajalikam (juggling)
Rasavidya (to gold - alchemy)
Nrpalanidhi (political science)
Anjanavisesalu (bite)
Aerial bhedagamana education
Lohakara education
Science geek
Carmakaraka education
Some of these have some clear; Adrsyavidya, dhatupariksa, peace, drama, myth, susina, anardha, how is included in Ghana.

!! Madvayam bhadvayam caiva

Bratrayam vacatusatayam

Anapalinga kuskani

Pracaksata epic !!

Madvayam: Good garnished 2. The legend of the seafood. Markandeya Purana.

Bhadvayam: At garnished 2. In the Bhagavata Purana. The legend of the future.

Bratrayam: Bra garnished 3. the Brahma Purana, Brahma vyevarta the myth, the legend Brahmanda.

Vacutastayam: vakaranto 4. They vayupuranam, pagoda style of architecture legend, Vamana Purana, Vishnu Purana.

Garnished with a legend of the fire, my garnished Narada Purana, Padma Purana garnished with Li garnished gender myth, garnished hours Garuda Purana, Skanda Purana, both garnished garnished with Kurma Purana and racinciri th.

1. Matsya Purana: 14000 slokamulannavi dinolo. Manu visnuvuce matsyavatara dispensed pads. Kartikeya, mayati, savitrula histories. Dharmacaranamulu, Prayag, Varanasi etc. mahatmyamulu told Worship.

2. Markandeya Purana, which has 9000 verses. Maharsice Markandeya said. Sivavisnuvula mahatmyamulu, Indra, the fire, the sun mahatmyamulu and saptapati (or Devi Mahatmya) told. Chandi homamu, satacandi thousandth Chandy Home adharamayinadi this saptasatiye system.

3. Bhagavata Purana, which consists of 18,000 verses. Sukunaku by Veda Vyasa, the pariksat sukuni 12 skandamululo Maharaja Sri Maha Vishnu krsna birth, lilacaritalu detailed.