
Thursday, 28 July 2016

10 Natural Remedies To Fight Depression

As many of us who have conquered depression will know, there's no quick fix for this severe mood-dampener. However, there are various steps you can take to gradually relieve the burden as you fight depression - and they don't have to include taking prescription medications with unwanted, unpredictable side effects.

1. Establish A Routine

Recommended by UCLA-based psychiatrist Ian Cook, MD, this can help to re-establish the structure that could be stripped away from your life once depression sets in. It serves to alleviate stress caused by 'brain fog', a prominent symptom of depression wherein the sufferer experiences forgetfulness, confusion, and emotional detachment.

7 Effective Herbal Remedies to Treat Back Pain

Most adults suffer from back pain at least once in their life. To prevent unwanted side effects, consider using these herbal remedies instead of pain medications to help manage your back pain.

Causes Of Back Pain

Whilst not typically a serious condition, approximately 80% of people in US suffer from back pain at least once in their lives, making it one of the most common medical complaints. Associated causes vary depending on the location of the pain: lower back pain is often linked to bad posture, arthritis, and muscle or ligament strains, whilst pain in the upper back may be related to spine inflammation, tumors in the chest, or disorders involving the aorta. 
It is important to note that pharmaceutical drugs - which can have unwanted side effects - are not the only options to treat your back pain. Although research into more natural remedies is still in its early phases, they are thought to be highly effective in treating mild cases of lower back pain in particular. Consider trying one of the following seven herbal remedies:

 1. Turmeric

Used extensively in Asian cuisines, Turmeric is renowned for its powerful healing properties for treating bacterial and inflammatory conditions. Likewise, this spice can also be used to relieve heartburn and pain from arthritis. It is so useful because of the presence of a chemical known as curcumin, which is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. For treating your back pain, add a quarter of a teaspoon to each meal of the day. Alternatively, add it to hot milk and drink this mixture twice daily.
Note: Avoid long-term use or high doses of turmeric, as this can lead to indigestion. If you are suffering from any gall bladder diseases, do not use turmeric for treating back pain.

8 Smootheis to Soothe Acid Reflux

Easy, everyday smoothies to alleviate acid reflux, soothe your heartburn, and reduce your risk of potentially cancer-causing GERD.

Unpleasant yet very common, acid reflux is a condition caused by wandering stomach acid. In an ideal scenario, a bundle of muscles at the top of your belly - collectively called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) - close after eating food. However, if these muscles fail to close properly, digestive acids can travel out of the stomach and up to your esophagus. 
Since the lining of your throat is delicate, this acid damages the lining - hence, you feel a burning sensation which, often referred to as heartburn. If acid reflux occurs frequently, it can lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is a chronic condition which often involves painful swelling, bleeding and ulceration of the esophagus, and which, according to the American Cancer Society, is thought to be slightly linked to throat cancer.

For a natural alternative to antacid medication - which is often ineffective for many people - introduce a selection of the following acid reflux-battling smoothies into your everyday diet  alleviate your discomfort. Blend away!

10 Natural Hangover helpers

We've all been there – waking up with a weekend hangover so bad that, as the shakes take hold, you question whether it's going to be the death of you. Either that or you wake up midweek nauseous and groggy, with just enough time to get to work; if you can get out of bed at all, that is. Whichever of the two situations you're in, we've compiled a list of the top ten natural hangover helpers to help you through the worst of it.
If you're still not feeling up to anything solid, don't fret! Some of the best hangover helpers are drinks:  

1. Coconut Water

Give this a go instead of your usual sports drink or glass of water. It's abundant in electrolytes and potassium, which will have you hydrated again in no time.

7 Unique Ways To Get Your Greens

Leafy green vegetables (aka 'greens') are among the world's healthiest foods. Despite their remarkably low-calory content, they contain substantial amounts of nutrients, fibre and an array of vitamins. Nonetheless, the prospect of regularly tucking into huge, repetitive salads could deter you from eating many greens. Here are some tasty methods of sneaking more greens into your diet

1. Breakfast Scrambles

Ideally, you want your breakfast to include plenty of fibre and protein to help keep you energised right through until midday. One great way of ensuring this is by throwing in some chopped collards, kale or spinach in your scrambled eggs or tofu; simply heat for a couple of minutes to ensure they are not overheated. While being exceptionally healthy, the resulting meal should look pretty delicious, too.

10 Ways To Avoid Anxiety & Depression

Depression is a challenge that many of us could face. We explore 10 positive steps you can take to help with avoiding and preventing depression & anxiety.

Depression is a common mental disorder that affects some 350 million of us worldwide. More than just feeling ‘a bit low’, it’s characterized by persistent low mood and feelings of anxiety. There’s no single cause of depression, but factors like stress, bereavement, and harmful relationships can play a major role. Considering that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, it’s essential to safeguard your own mental health. And the good news is, there are some simple changes you can make to your lifestyle that will go a long way in the battle toward preventing depression.

1. Stay connected

Sharing your feelings – both positive and negative – plays a key role in protecting your mental health. Especially when it comes to fears or concerns, it’s important not to try to keep everything to yourself, and wherever possible to share these feelings with a trusted friend or family member. You’ll feel a huge weight off your shoulders when you do – the phrase ‘a burden shared is a burden halved’ certainly has truth behind it! And never be afraid to talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns at all.

13 Superfoods To Cleanse Your Liver of Cancer

Your liver is one of your five vital organs: here's how to give it a head start against cancer!

Statistically speaking, cancer is a threat to us all. In the United States, over one and a half million people are thought to have been diagnosed with some form of cancer in 2015 alone. From the polluted air that we breathe, to potentially dangerous pesticides on foods and chemicals in toiletries, we unwittingly surround ourselves with a minefield of latent cancer-causing toxins - day in, day out. 

Liver Cancer: A Reality

Liver cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths across the globe. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 40,000 new cases of associated cancers will be diagnosed throughout the US in 2016: sadly, over half of these people will likely die from the disease. 
Amongst Americans, alcohol abuse is a leading cause of liver cancer (linked to a liver-scarring condition called cirrhosis). Luckily, there are steps you can take to combat your risk of liver cancer - in the form of your diet super foods, in general, are considered to contain cancer-busting agents. Explore the top 20 specific superfoods which help to cleanse your liver - safeguarding against liver cancer in the process. 

1. Beets and Carrots

Glutathione, a compound found in carrots and beets, is renowned as a master detoxifier and an effective antioxidant for the human body. Thought to cleanse the liver as it helps to detoxify unhealthy substances, get a daily dose of these root vegetables to top up your antioxidant levels. They are also packed with beta-carotene and plant-flavonoids which stimulate liver function - making them ideal for liver health all round!

11 Foods Guaranteed To Boost Your Metabolism

If you find that you frequently struggle to lower your body fat level even when doing many of the supposed "right" things, like exercising and restricting your calorie consumption, then revving up your metabolism could be the solution. Your metabolic rate determines how many calories and grams of fat your body burns even during routine activity such as sitting – and getting more of the following foods into your diet could significantly boost that rate.

1. Almonds

Research hints at the metabolic benefits of the essential fatty acids in almonds. Don't go overboard with almonds, though; due to their heavy fat content, consuming too many of them could be counter-productive for your waistline.

5 Common Cold “Cures” That Are Just Myths

We explore five supposed common cold "cures" which are myths, and provide some real suggestions to ease your symptoms!

The common cold is caused by a mild viral infection of the nose, sinuses, throat, and upper airways tract. In fact, there are more than 200 viruses that can cause common cold symptoms. The most prevalent of these is the rhinovirus, which is thought to be responsible for between 10 to 40 percent of colds.

Whilst not classed as a serious illness, colds can leave you feeling rather blue. From sneezing and coughing to a sore throat and chill-ridden fatigue, symptoms appear when your immune system starts battling the virus. Since so many different viruses can cause colds, there is no vaccine against this aptly names illness: common by name, common by nature! As such, people often take to homemade 'cures' to ease their symptoms - but, from a scientific viewpoint, these are often utterly useless. We explore five supposed remedies which are myths and provide some real suggestions to ease your symptoms!

The Surprising Reason Most People Get Cancer & How Science Is Tackling It

With cancer being one of the most common diseases in America, a groundbreaking new study suggests that the main cause of the disease is not what you may have thought. Likewise, in a breaking study, we explore how science has recently learned to reprogram these cancerous cells.

A recent study estimates that, in the US, one in every two men and one in every three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Understandably, there are many practices that we are often encouraged to follow to avoid being one of these people. These include regularly going to the gym, religiously applying sunscreen, and avoiding cigarettes. However, a new study might spring a big shock. It suggests that some of these 'healthy routines' could be less effective at warding off cancer than previously thought. We explore the surprising reason that is the actual cause of tumors in many people. 

An Intriguing & Groundbreaking Study

According to this study, the likelihood of developing cancer could be very much down to chance. Researchers at John Hopkins University have reached the conclusion that two-thirds of all occurrences of the disease in adults could arise from random DNA mutations that trigger the tumor growth. In other words, most of these incidences of cancer could be blamed on factors beyond our control.

10 Health Mistakes to Stop Making Mefore You Turn 40

You won't look young forever, but you can at least feel like you are by saying goodbye these ten health mistakes before you hit 40.

When you're in your 20s or even your 30s, it is easy to believe that you have unlimited youth and time to frolick away. In reality, errors in your lifestyle and health decisions can sneak up on you by the time you hit your midlife in the form of chronic conditions and unwanted signs of aging. That's why the years just before you turn 40 are the perfect time to check in and stop making the following ten common mistakes that can drain the quality of your immediate future - and beyond!

1. Being too attached to your phone

Both true addiction to and the overuse of your mobile devices can harm your health. According to University of Connecticut Professor Dr. David Greenfield and as reported by   doctor while only a small percentage of people are truly addicted to their phones, many are overusing them. Not only can consistent cell phone use harm relationships and your work quality and productivity, it can also lead to sleep disruptions, unnecessary stress and potentially damage your ability to focus.

The 6 germiest thing in your home(and how to clean them)

It’s flu season.  While those around you are falling helplessly into bed with a fever and chills, we want to help you do everything you can to stay healthy.  Of course, your Mom’s advice – getting to bed in good time, washing your hands regularly, and drinking plenty of water – is important to remember.  But when it comes to your home, we’ve got a few tips to ensure you’re getting rid of unwanted germs, keeping you and your family healthy.  Read our tips below to learn how to get rid of germs on some of the dirtiest things in your home:
It’s flu season.  While those around you are falling helplessly into bed with a fever and chills, we want to help you do everything you can to stay healthy.  Of course, your Mom’s advice – getting to bed in good time, washing your hands regularly, and drinking plenty of water – is important to remember.  But when it comes to your home, we’ve got a few tips to ensure you’re getting rid of unwanted germs, keeping you and your family healthy.  Read our tips below to learn how to get rid of germs on some of the dirtiest things in your home:

10 Tips Aid A Good Night's Sleep

Sleep deprivation and insomnia can leave you feeling exhausted and frustrated. These 10 simple tips will help you to get a good night's sleep!

Grainy eyes, groggy head, fuzzy vision: sleep deprivation and insomnia can leave you feeling rough. As we all know, a good night's sleep is incredibly important. It gives your mind and body a chance to rest and recuperate after a long day and allows your brain the chance to process the day’s events. Sleeping also allows your brain to rest and process information, forming new pathways and long-term memories that are essential to your mental health and development.

However, sometimes life gets in the way of maintaining a healthy sleeping pattern. Long flights, late nights, jet lag, too much coffee or just a stressful day can mean that we struggle to get away to the land of nod when our heads hit the pillow. If you find yourself in that position, desperate for sleep but unable to nod off, it can be incredibly frustrating. Especially since every second that ticks by makes you acutely aware that you’re getting ever closer to your alarm going off!

1. Cut Out Technology In Bed

In this modern era, we’re tied to our smartphones. Whether you're tired or not, it can be all too tempting to scroll through Facebook, tweet on Twitter, or binging on app store games when you get into bed after a long day. The problem is that laptops, tablets and smartphones emit a light that confuses our brains into staying awake and keeps us from sleeping. What's more, a study showed that using such devices stimulates brain activity which essentially makes you feel more alert and less sleepy. Avoid using technology before you head to bed - ideally for two hours before you're planning on going to sleep. 

The best Fat - Burning Breakfasts

Some fat-burning breakfast inspiration to help jump start your day and help you make sensible food choices that control your weight all the way up until bedtime - so you'll be well on your way to a healthy lifestyle!

Mom was right when she said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In fact, according to medical experts at WebMD, your morning meal has been linked to a lower body size and a healthier overall body and mind. You might think that skipping breakfast saves you calories,

 but the Mayo Clinic maintains that eating when you get up can actually help you  loss weight by keeping you from being so hungry that you make poor food choices later in the day. The trick is to choose a nutrient-dense breakfast that fuels the body and mind and starts your day off on the right foot. Here are some good options.

Oat Pancakes with Fruit & Yogurt

This breakfast is packed with fiber, which digests slowly and helps you stay full until your next meal comes along. This ensures that you don't make unhealthy snacking choices while you wait for lunchtime. The meal also contains a good ratio of healthy fats and protein, which give your body energy. Overall, the meal is low in calories and full of the nutrients your body needs for good health. Serve your oat pancakes topped with Greek yogurt and a handful of berries.

10 Morning MistakesThat ruin the rest of your day

Stop believing you're 'just not a morning person'! Make tomorrow a better day with these easy tips to improve your mood and health in the AM.

When you have a busy lifestyle, mornings can become a matter of sheer survival as you battle to get kids to school, lunches prepped, dogs walked, or just yourself out of the door both fully dressed and running to time. That grumpy, harassed or tired feeling many of us experience on waking up can be one that hangs around through the day, especially if the stress levels ratchet up a notch on arriving at a busy office for the start of a full work day.

It's easy to assume that you simply aren't a ‘morning person' and that things will always be this way. No one likes mornings, right? Wrong. While few of us are ever going to wake up singing Walking on Sunshine (unless it's a Saturday, of course), there are a few easy ways to improve the morning mood of you and your loved ones. These tips might even help your health, too! 

Don't skip breakfast

If you look long enough, you can find a study performed somewhere in the world that will back up pretty much whatever you want to say. Eating breakfast is no exception, and depending on what you read, avoiding breakfast can be the best or the worst decision in the world. However, one fact all the research has in common is that anyone with a healthy lifestyle – so that means having some sort of breakfast routine – is much more likely to have a healthy weight, too. If you really can't face a big bowl of oatmeal first thing, then take a piece of fruit with you to work - bananas are great as they release energy more slowly. It will be there for you when you do feel like a snack, and will stop you opting for a Starbucks on an empty stomach (more on that later). 

10 Metabolism Myths holding you back from weight loss

Struggling to shift the pounds? Here we explore some common metabolism myths, explaining what you may be doing wrong!

It's true that losing weight, in its simplest form, is a matter of easy math: consume fewer calories than you burn, and the net result is weight loss. While this is a pretty good place to start in your goal towards getting healthy and slim, for some, this motto is an oversimplification. In reality, weight gain is often a complicated matter involving food, hormones, and lifestyle factors like stress levels, health complications, and sleep quality. So, losing that weight can be more difficult for some people. Understanding how your metabolism works is key to weight loss - so we debunk some metabolism myths to help!

What is my metabolism?

Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories, turning food into energy. The BMR is your basic metabolic rate, and means the calories you burn while resting. This is determined by your weight, age, and sex. There isn't a lot you can do to change your BMR, and it accounts for somewhere between 50-80% of your daily calorie intake. However, your overall metabolic rate is also affected by output every day. So, you will use calories while eating, and while you are moving around. The goal for sustainable and permanent weight loss should be to change your lifestyle, with more exercise and less bad food. The exercise will boost your metabolism as you need to burn more calories, and eating the right foods will ensure you feel healthy and happy. 

1. Eating smaller meals through the day is best

This depends more on your individual preference than science. According to a study in Canada, those eating six smaller meals a day experienced no more weight loss than those with the same calorie count set across just three meals. So there's no rule that eating little and often is going to work - just watch your total intake for the day. It's also important that the quality and quantity of the food you are consuming is right. Too small meals could lead to sugary snack temptations as your blood sugar levels drop; too large meals cannot be used by your body immediately, so the energy is stored as fat. Eat balanced, filling meals so you stay full and energized through the day, and are not tempted to eat the wrong food.

5 reasons you are not losing weight

You exercise. You calorie count. You do everything you can possibly think of to rid those extra pounds. Yet, every time you step on the scale you feel like throwing it out the window because nothing seems to change. Fact is, some of the things you do every day could be getting in the way of your weight goal and you don’t even know it. Below are some of the things you likely never considered would get in the way of a slimmer you. But they do. And once you eliminate them from your routine you will be well on your way to a leaner and healthier you.

Cash or Credit

Bet you never thought of this – but if you use a credit card when grocery shopping you are more likely to buy more unhealthy, calorie-dense food than if you used cash. Since you don’t feel the immediate hit on your wallet, many grocery shoppers tend to buy extra junk food and treats as impulse buys. These extra purchases are also likely to increase if you go shopping on an empty stomac

9 healthy juices you should be drinking - And why

Whether to give you a boost or to improve your skin, check out these nine healthy juices you should start drinking today - and learn why they are essential!

Most of us simply don't eat the fruit and vegetables that our bodies need each day.  live scince states that about 87 percent of Americans don't meet the daily recommendations for fruit and 91 percent miss the daily mark on veggies. Most of that is down to taste and convenience because eating fruits and veggies on the go isn't always appealing or practical. This is where juice comes to the rescue, so check out these nine health-boost juices and why you should start drinking them today!

1. The Detox Juice: Cleanse your system

Stephanie Middleberg, a registered dietician in New York, says that detox juices can help you feel better if you're suffering from things like junk food binge urges, bloating and other uncomfortable feelings because they help you rid your body of toxins. Losing toxins helps your body simply feel better from the inside out. One easy and effective detox juice is a simple blend of four medium-sized carrots, a medium beet, two tablespoons of ginger, one medium apple with the skin on and one cup of water. Chop all the ingredients up and combine them in a blender, then blend until smooth. Strain the results to get your juice free of bits and pulp and enjoy.

14 lifestyle changes that make you look younger

If you are searching for natural ways to turn back the years, look no further – we have compiled the best ways to look younger. 

Whilst aging is a natural process, in today’s world, everyone wants to stay looking young and healthy. With so many demands on our time, and many unhealthy lifestyle and food choice available, it can be hard to know the good from the bad. For those wanting to reverse the signs of aging, it can be an expensive task too. There’s a plethora of expensive beauty products, salon treatments, and even invasive surgeries all offering to wipe away the years – but at a high price. Looking younger isn’t just about facial wrinkles either – hands, teeth, feet, and hair can all be telltale giveaways, with age spots and gray hairs revealing our true age. However, there’s no need to despair. The reality is that there are a number of simple, affordable and everyday ways you can slow down the signs of aging, or even help to reverse the effects!

1. Shield Your Skin

Even those living in cold climates can still experience sun damage. Wear a moisturizer with a good SPF - ideally 25-35, or higher if you have very pale skin. This will also help shield your skin from pollution if you live in a city. Excessive UVA and UVB rays can cause all kinds of skin damage including wrinkles, dark spots and melanoma. Jennifer Linder of the University of California San Francisco has reported seeing 30-year-olds with skin as much as ten years younger – thanks to long-term sun cream use. 

7 amazing superfoods that fight cancer

Drastically decreasing your risk of developing different types of cancer involves a conscious effort to bring about change - the most commonly mentioned being; stopping smoking, reducing the amount of alcohol you drink, and staying physically active. However, amidst the hectic bustle of everyday life, maintaining such significant lifestyle changes can be difficult. Fortunately, you have the power to make a difference through one simp Along with the obvious traits of a healthy diet - avoiding saturated fats, cutting out unnecessary sugars, and eating five servings of different fruit and veggies a day - science now suggests that including so-called superfoods in your diet can offer a cancer-busting boost. The main reason for this is that they are rich in antioxidants. In a nutshell, this means that they prevent the production of harmful, cancer-causing free radicals in the body. So incorporate the following superfoods into your diet to start reducing your cancer risk today...le trick: superfoods.

11 ways to boost your energy without caffiene

Boosting your energy levels doesn't mean you have to resort to caffeine! It's all about understanding how your body works - explore these 11 ways to feel energized without the negative, heart-palpating effects of caffeine.

Whether it's to get you through a dreaded Monday morning or drive away the afternoon lull, many of us depend on caffeine as a daily pick-me-up. Found naturally in coffee beans and other plants, this central nervous system stimulant blocks the action of a natural brain chemical linked to sleep. As such, it gives the feeling of an 'energy boost'. However, it is also far from the healthiest of energy rejuvenators, being associated with such negative effects as raised blood pressure, a heightened heart attack risk, insomnia and anxiety, and many others.

Indeed, many people with allergies, low immunity, and depression - among various other conditions - are forced to avoid caffeine due to the adverse effect that it has on their health. We, therefore, thought that it would be helpful to investigate just 11 of the many ways you can heighten your own energy levels without caffeine.

1. Stay Away From Your Smartphone At Night

Browsing on your mobile device may make you feel momentarily engaged, but in the long run, it can actually have the opposite effect on your energy levels. This was demonstrated in part by a Michigan State University study, which showed that those using smartphones for business purposes after 9pm suffered from tiredness and lowered productivity at work the following day. Smartphones stimulate your brain, which is fine during the day - but at night, it means you may struggle to switch off when you head to bed. Try to avoid using your phone for at least two hours before you plan on going to sleep 

5 Reasons Mosquitoes Bite Some People and Not Others

Ever notice how mosquitoes seem to frantically feast on some folks while ignoring others? It's not just your imagination, says entomologist Joseph M. Conlon, a technical advisor to the American Mosquito Control Association. "There is no question that some individuals are more attractive to mosquitoes due to chemicals they secrete from their skin and from their particular skin flora." We talked with experts to learn more about the biological factors that can turn a person into skeeter bait. If the little buggers happen to find you irresistible, here are five possible reasons why:
You're pregnant

Female mosquitoes (the kind that bite) have a thing for carbon dioxide. Special nerve receptors help them detect the gas in the environment. What does that have to do with your baby bump? A 2002 study published in The Lancet found that women in the later stages ofpregnancy (with a mean gestational age of 28 weeks) exhale 21% more CO2 than their non-pregnant peers. The researchers speculated that this physiological difference could help explain why the pregnant women who participated in their experiments attracted twice as many mosquitoes. (Because itchy welts are just what you need in your third trimester.) But CO2 may not be the only reason you're suddenly more appealing: It could also be that pregnant women emit volatile odors that draw the insects, says Laura Harrington, PhD, a professor in the department of entomology at Cornell University. 
RELATED: Everything You Must Know About Mosquitoes This Summer
You're dripping with sweat

If bug bites drive you nuts, you may want to take your workouts indoors this summer. Lactic acid, a byproduct of vigorous physical activity that's excreted through sweat, is "indeed an attractant" for mosquitoes, according to Conlon. If you're sweating profusely, your higher body temperature may play a role too. Warmth becomes more attractive as mosquitoes approach a potential host, says Conlon.
You have type O blood

Just like you have favorite fro-yo flavors, mosquitoes possess so-called landing preferences, and one of them has to do with what’s running through your veins. A study in the Journal of Medical Entomology found that the bloodthirsty fiends are extra attracted to individuals withtype O blood. "Type O individuals may share a propensity for exuding certain odors that mosquitoes find attractive," suggests Conlon.
You just had a beer

Not to rain on your al fresco happy hour, but booze may lead to more bites. A PLOS ONE study done in West Africa on men who drank either beer or water revealed that "beer consumption consistently increased volunteers' attractiveness to mosquitoes." Harrington pointed to another study—​a small experiment done in Japan—​that suggested mosquitoes are drawn to people who have ingested alcohol. "But how widespread that phenomenon is truly remains unclear,” she said. 
Your genes make you more attractive

Research on identical and fraternal twins suggests that an underlying genetic mechanism may affect whether you get eaten alive in the deep woods, or escape relatively unscathed. Scientists from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine reported that certain people produce natural mosquito repellents, a trait that appears to be genetically controlled. 
RELATED: How to Keep Bugs Away in Every Summer Situation
How to keep the buggers away

If you're one of the lucky individuals mosquitos love, try this advice from Nora Besansky, PhD, a professor in the department of biological sciences at Notre Dame: “The simplest way, albeit uncomfortable in the heat, [to avoid bites] is to place a barrier between the skin and a day-biting mosquito—​that is, long sleeves and long pants," she explains. “Even better protection is to apply an effective mosquito repellant to such clothing." She recommends spraying yourself with a product that contains DEET. For help choosing the right spray for you, check out our list of the best mosquito repellents.