
Sunday, 6 November 2016

Vyasa bhagavanudu by 18 legendary names used in the following slokamandu.

!! Madvayam bhadvayam caiva

Bratrayam vacatusatayam

Anapalinga kuskani

Pracaksata epic !!

Madvayam: Good garnished 2. The legend of the seafood. Markandeya Purana.

Bhadvayam: At garnished 2. In the Bhagavata Purana. The legend of the future.

Bratrayam: Bra garnished 3. the Brahma Purana, Brahma vyevarta the myth, the legend Brahmanda.

Vacutastayam: vakaranto 4. They vayupuranam, pagoda style of architecture legend, Vamana Purana, Vishnu Purana.

Garnished with a legend of the fire, my garnished Narada Purana, Padma Purana garnished with Li garnished gender myth, garnished hours Garuda Purana, Skanda Purana, both garnished garnished with Kurma Purana and racinciri th.

1. Matsya Purana: 14000 slokamulannavi dinolo. Manu visnuvuce matsyavatara dispensed pads. Kartikeya, mayati, savitrula histories. Dharmacaranamulu, Prayag, Varanasi etc. mahatmyamulu told Worship.

2. Markandeya Purana, which has 9000 verses. Maharsice Markandeya said. Sivavisnuvula mahatmyamulu, Indra, the fire, the sun mahatmyamulu and saptapati (or Devi Mahatmya) told. Chandi homamu, satacandi thousandth Chandy Home adharamayinadi this saptasatiye system.

3. Bhagavata Purana, which consists of 18,000 verses. Sukunaku by Veda Vyasa, the pariksat sukuni 12 skandamululo Maharaja Sri Maha Vishnu krsna birth, lilacaritalu detailed.

4. future legend: the 14,500 verses are available. Sun bhagavanunice Manu Intl Y opasana duty, fire devataradhana approach, detailed in Varnasrama properties. In particular the future of the coming period. Jarugabovu definitions of what is mentioned in the future.

5. brahmapuranamu: This is the adipuranam or suryapuranam. In which 10,000 slokalunnavi. Brahmace South Sri krsna, Markandeya, kasyapula history, descriptions, varnadharmalu, dharmacaranalu, heavenly - vavarincabadinavi of hell.

6. Brahmanda legend, which has 12,000 verses. This myth has been mariciki brahmace. Radhadevi, srikrsnudu, Parasurama, Rama histories. Sri Lalita thousandth namastotralu, sivakrsna sotralu, gandharvam, astronomy and description, which explains heaven to hell.

7. vyevarta Brahma Purana, which consists of 18,000 verses. Savarnunice Narada said. Skanda, Ganesha, Rudra srikrsnula grandeur, srstikarta Brahma, srstiki to cause the physical world (prakrti) and Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Savitri, Radha, etc. are explained about the effect of the five elements.

8. Varaha Purana, which consists of 24,000 verses. That is to say the amount of bhudeviki visnuvuce Varaha Avatar. The process is much visnumurti businessman. Pramesvari, pramesvarula histories, law, vratakalpamulu, religious ksetravarnanalu is this mythology.

9. Vamana Purana, which consists of 10,000 verses. Rsi pulastva maharsiki instructing Narada. Onto the shiva, marriage of Shiva and Parvati, sivaganesa, Kartikeya history, geography - rtu detailed descriptions.

10. Air Legend, which has 24,000 verses. It has been vayudevunice. Sivabhagavanuni Mahatmyam standard time, globe, sauramandala Portraiture said.

11. Vishnu Purana: Indu has 23,000 verses. Maitreyuniki parasarudu unto his disciple. Visnumahatmyamu, Sri krsna, Dhruva, Prahlada, Bharatha varnimpabadinavi histories.

12. The legend of the fire, which has 15.400 verses. Bhagavanunice fire vasisnunaku Shiva, ganesa, Durga bhagavadupasana, grammar, candhassu, healing, secular functions, politics, geography, astronomy, etc. jyotisam told things.

13. Narada Purana: Indu has 25,000 verses. Naradudu sanaka, sanandana, sanatkumara, sanataran the four brahmamanasaputrulaku said. The most famous vedapadastavamu (sivastotramu) takes vedangamulu is, non-official, badari Prayag, Varanasi is who takes the field descriptions.

14. Skanda Purana, which consists of 81,000 verses. It Kumaraswamy (skandudu) to say that. Descriptions of the most important sivacaritra shoulder Mahatma, Pradosha Psalms, kasikhandamu, kedarakhandamu, Reva fragment (the posts are in non-official), Vaishnava fragment (venkatacala field), Utkal fragment (Jagannath field), kumarika fragment (Arunachal field), Brahma fragment (Rameshwar field) brahottara fragment. (Gokarnaksetramu, pradosapuja), avantikakhandamu (ksipranadi, poet Mahatmyam), etc. are available.

15. Gender legend: It precepts of Lord Shiva. Lingarupa glory of Shiva, the temple along with the solemn worship. Astrological astronomy, geography detailed.

6. Garuda Purana, who takes slokamulunnavi 19,000. It was initiated visnuvuce garutmantunaku. Sri Mahavishnu devotion, garutmantuni generation, birth, deaths, creature of Heaven - hell specified tours.

17. Kurma Purana, which slokamulunnavi 17,000. It was visnuvuce kurmavatara Meath. Varaha narasimha manifestations, lingarupa sivaradhana, firmament, Varanasi holdings across the globe, prayogaksetra specified descriptions.

18. padmapuranamu: It is made from janmantarala sins, not just this padmapuranamu vininanta matramunane pogottagaligedi. Astadasa mythology's most pogottagaligedi the Padma Purana. The verses tell of the highest figures in the news manuku slokamulalo 85,000. And madukaitabhavadha, brahmasrstikaryamu, gitarthasaram - pathanamahatymam, gangamahatmyam, padmagandhi divyagadha, Gayatri history, ravivrksamahima, Vibhuti Mahatmyam pujavidhulu - vidhanam, God sannithilo padmapurananlo behave in any way that is reported in detail.

Puranamulandali this way, the sequence of things written in the abbreviated form of the Vedic temple naimisaranyamunandu prasiddhamulaiyunnavi paper plates.

Not 62. Catustasti known arts. 64. That is also what is called education. This calculation also some matabhedalunnayi. Some vedalannintini counted together. Some of them pointed to four.

Not 62. Catustasti known arts. 64. That is also what is called education. This calculation also some matabhedalunnayi. Some vedalannintini counted together. Some of them pointed to four.

Law (smrtri)
Sangitasastram (gandharvam)
Kokkokam (kamasastram)
Desabhasa mastery
Different lipijnanam
Indrajalikam (juggling)
Rasavidya (to gold - alchemy)
Nrpalanidhi (political science)
Anjanavisesalu (bite)
Aerial bhedagamana education
Lohakara education
Science geek
Carmakaraka education
Some of these have some clear; Adrsyavidya, dhatupariksa, peace, drama, myth, susina, anardha, how is included in Ghana.

!! Madvayam bhadvayam caiva

Bratrayam vacatusatayam

Anapalinga kuskani

Pracaksata epic !!

Madvayam: Good garnished 2. The legend of the seafood. Markandeya Purana.

Bhadvayam: At garnished 2. In the Bhagavata Purana. The legend of the future.

Bratrayam: Bra garnished 3. the Brahma Purana, Brahma vyevarta the myth, the legend Brahmanda.

Vacutastayam: vakaranto 4. They vayupuranam, pagoda style of architecture legend, Vamana Purana, Vishnu Purana.

Garnished with a legend of the fire, my garnished Narada Purana, Padma Purana garnished with Li garnished gender myth, garnished hours Garuda Purana, Skanda Purana, both garnished garnished with Kurma Purana and racinciri th.

1. Matsya Purana: 14000 slokamulannavi dinolo. Manu visnuvuce matsyavatara dispensed pads. Kartikeya, mayati, savitrula histories. Dharmacaranamulu, Prayag, Varanasi etc. mahatmyamulu told Worship.

2. Markandeya Purana, which has 9000 verses. Maharsice Markandeya said. Sivavisnuvula mahatmyamulu, Indra, the fire, the sun mahatmyamulu and saptapati (or Devi Mahatmya) told. Chandi homamu, satacandi thousandth Chandy Home adharamayinadi this saptasatiye system.

3. Bhagavata Purana, which consists of 18,000 verses. Sukunaku by Veda Vyasa, the pariksat sukuni 12 skandamululo Maharaja Sri Maha Vishnu krsna birth, lilacaritalu detailed.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

life secrets

Jandhyamesinanta necessarily Brahminism siddhistunda?
Islam does not actually extract vantapadinattena dharincinanta hat?
Mating on a cross vreladadisukunnanta because Christ is the way, nadustunnattena?
Jandhyamesukommani, hat's, I had to wear crosses?
I, you wish you can create nature of caste and religion, to create a campukuntu that finally defends m fine?

Your needs, and luxuries vilayalaku responsible for the destruction of nature nenantu adiposukuntara me?
I had to take initiations?
Stomach kalcukomani I say?
I had to walk on the knees?
You will not find me in the temples, in mosques, in the churches looking ..
I kottukomannana to leak blood.?
Noting that peace in our religion, other religions are simulated, if God Gau Mata bhaksincamani I say.?
Jihadi wars, in the name of religion, I say do not do that.?
I had to bomb attacks.?

I told him the name of Midnight fraud.?
I had to change religion. ?
I told him to take care of your tallidandrulalo,
Said going to undertake,
Akalannavaniki pidikedu can not lump, but the bill gummaristaru crore, the paper notes, I needed to give?
Kagitalakistunnanta value you created, giving the forgotten human relations
Whether you are supposed to be nadaggaraku without ever lived a large minority of consciousness.
After the cloth around you are not into the pockets of the dead,
Earned money
Cabinet does not hide thy tomb,
After the death of my angels to bring you to surrender your pralobhalaku bribe also remember to take ..

Srstincitappu you and the toy in your hand

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Lakshmi Devi, the reason for not paying your home .. Do you suffer from not comming...

Comfortable house, gently .. nindipovalante santosalato entering the house and Lakshmi. After entering the house, there is a high proportion of what dhanantopatu Lakshmi. However, that is not the proper way to get to know avento care home .. If radata Lakshmi and Lakshmi in the house that had the opportunity to employ casual According to science.* Lots that were sankhadvani, worship, where Basil, where sankharuni arcincani, brahmavettalaku, guests dining at several honors. Lakshmi Devi lived.* The house where art does not ladutu art house, where tears to the eyes at all times, aradhincakunda Vishnu, Lakshmi, who lives in the house who dine during Ekadasi and Janmashtami.* Heart, devoid of sanctity, hinsinstunna others. Lakshmi accusing intilonunci that forced the best.

* As a matter gaddiparakalanu nipped, Lakshmi kataksam kulagottina lack of trees.* Nirasavadhulanu, suryodaya him during the meal, wet feet sleeping, sleeping vivastrulai, the speaker upside down, oil, and others wrote in their head, Lakshmi, was also to be sealed.* Pasupaksulanu bully will not be at the level of. Kalavari durasa more on wealth will not be in the house.

Like how will laksmikataksam Sri Hari, said the kalagado. More than money, more satisfaction than anything else. Will enjoy it with him. Sri Maha Lakshmi mercy always be with us then. But we have to be in adinam wealth, we should not be in adinam wealth. Ekasta pride, the pride of wealth in the fall. Take advantage of the wealth of meaning. Lakshmi vidipotundi to ignore it. This is the secret of Sri Mahalakshmi sight.

Lakshmi had the grace to give the money to be at home with the goods ..

These objects can be to give the money to have the grace of Goddess Lakshmi at home ..!
Dhanantopatu worshiping Lakshmi is also caused by the well-known virtues. According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi because of the money, the head of riches. Worshiping her caused all virtues, many believe that money samakurutundani greatly. Vyaparastulaite their stores, shops, and other places, certainly worn by a portrait of Lakshmi. If you do believe that the business can earn more money. However, not only the worship of Lakshmi siddhincalante bounty, and some things have to be, too. Then the Devi by a kataksam more. This in order to learn now how to do things you do for Lakshmi.
Peacock capped ...
A peacock Lakshmi worship you at home, it's important to get a pension. Labhistundata the bounty of the Goddess. Saraswati Devi sat on because it is nemalipaine. Moreover, the negative energy is important to house Peacock pension, leave and get positive energy. That would benefit the most.
Gold or silver coin ...
Made of gold or silver coin, put in the room of worship. The coin Lakshmi Devi, Ganesha is good for a lot. This greatly by a wealth.
Lotus flower ...
Lakshmi Devi, the most liked puvulante eczema. She sits on tamarapuvu Devi worship, so that all of the gains were caused. Samakurutundata money well.
share it get lord blessings

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Guard Luffa eating?

When CKD DIET fever Luffa cooked vegetables. However, this is not Coyle, birapadu doctors say that the ausadhapuritam.In general, two kinds of nuts, the eternal birakaya fiber, vitamin C, zinc, iron, Riboflavin, Magnesium, thaimin ... are an abundance of nutrients like. This is mostly due to the presence of cellulose malabaddhakanni molalavyadhini great deterrent.

* Birakayalloni peptide in the blood in the urine, the sugar reserves of the alkaloid content can be taggincenduku. Manganese production of coenzyme digestive pencadandvara controls diabetes.* Luffa raktasuddhiki arogyaniki also helps the liver. Kaleyanni protects damaged by alcohol.* Jaundice causing any infection would result in better tagadanvalla vaccinavallu luffa juice has been shown to pempondistundani ravani immunity.

* Badhapadevallaki Luffa ulcer drug works by fire.* Vitamin-A kantikandarala Luffa arising due to the weakness of the National Eye Institute says blindness and off. As part of this diet cesukunnavallalo six to 25 per cent decrease in muscle atrophy of the eye. The Vitamin B 5 taggistundata bad cholesterol.* Birakayalloni nivarincagaladani anemia found that vitamin B 6. Keep in mind that many vyadhulni arikadutundani so luffa.
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Chandi circling

in general, both the Vaishnava Temples ... sivalayalalonu the circuits are the same. Shiva Vishnu temple, just as inappropriate to the circuit, according to the science. Vaishnava temples', starting from the right side to the left rotates stambhamdaggara flag, flag pole once again come together, is a pradaksinanga. Somasutranni circling the Shiva need to follow.

"When anointed somasutramante Shivalinga is the water that comes out. So here is candikesudu Monday that the principle of the rule is to walk datakundaga. The circuit gradually falls ... the first "Monday sutramnunci circling the beginning clockwise in the flag pole to come. Somasutram well to meet evolving from there. After that somasutram from the back and disorganized flag pole to reach.Somasutram This circuit can be done from the savyanganu ... apasavyanganu expected. In this way, the circling, circling Chandy that he would. By circling the Chandi praptistayani say that the benefits of an endless pilgrimage.

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Trinity found in the field of lingakaranlo sucindram - Tamil Nadu

Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu at a distance of twelve kilometers, the area is suci .Indra sucindra field was sucrindam here makes an appearance in the image of Lord Shiva, the Trinity. Anasuyadevi triads, and the sins of girlish uyyalalo uginci Lakshmi, Saraswati, had a right parvatidevilaku kanuvippu. Saivulaku vaisnavulaku sucindram the tourist field. Vishnu Shiva lingam are adjacent to the sanctum sanctorum. April and May are the months of December, January, once the festival. We have a large reservoir would surprise appearance in front of the temple.

OutstanYajnopavitadharana explained about the importance of Atri, one of the sages. Old khyanni thread behind to get three tails, three brahmavisnumahesvarulaku the three, the three 'Om', the sound of the three letters a, be, malaku pratikalani has said Atri. Zone 5 of the great names in the Rigveda are said Atri mahamunini. A description of the land in this zone. Atri is one of the seven stars of the Dipper. It's the fourth of the seven stars of Ursa Major naksatramandalanloni. A 'Delta' is called.

The legend says that the place where the mountain monastery Chitrakoota mahamuni Atri. Uttar Pradesh is located in the border areas of the mountain Chitrakoota 25 degrees north. However, in another place, Atri Ashram in Aligarh, atravali has been found in a mountainous area. It's 28 degrees, 1 minute, 16 seconds, 78 degrees, 16 minutes, 52 seconds. These range from the perukuda 'atravali that should be !! Brahmamanasa son of the sage Atri. Prajapatulalo one of the youngest. Kardama daughter Prajapati, one of the master vatalalo anasuyaku husband. Zone 5 of the sage Atri magnate in the Rigveda. The couple had three sons. Brahmavisnu mahesvarula become known as the three: 1. Datta, 2, 3 .. Mon durvaso. Dattudine 'Dattatreya' is, durvaso mahamunine 'krsnatreya' association, somudine 'candratreya "as is. The somesvarudu sthapincinade 'Someswara Jyotirlinga.

Kanyakumari, at the couple 'were asramamlo sucindra is rani. However, in the opinion of others - at a distance of 13 km from the city of Lucknow is the Sati Anasuya ashram. The same Atri, ANASUYA, am area for their three sons have done penance. There, ANASUYA tapophalanvalla will janmincindam Mandakini river. 'Mandakini' is of course one of the gangakugala many namadheyallo! Atri, the couple ANASUYA many disciples, they are. Ganda Shoodra of a woman, her husband also was named pasusakha. This sage Dattatreya Temple, the famous couple is now at Kanyakumari.ding among the ornamental portico.

 A subsidiary of the four large stone pillars built of stone columns okaeka. Are accompanied by three small columns and thirty two pillared. Twenty-five small columns are connected to a two pillared. These are the pillars of music. Meethi heard the voice of the obelisk, which specializes in music. Each kind of music sound particularly appealing to small column of each of the outside untundialayam eighteen feet high stone statue of Hanuman is a 134-foot dome of the cosmic form symbolism of the visit will be very duranike. Twenty-four-foot-tall sculpture is through facial sobhitanga. Saivulaku vaisnavulaku sucindram the tourist field. Lord Shiva lingam are adjacent to the sanctum sanctorum. During the months of April and May, for a time, the festival will take place in December in rice population. Appeared in front of a large reservoir of surprises.

Trinity in the same form

Will jillalosucindranlo Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. The farm specializes in the evolution of the trinity in the same linga. Below the top of the Brahma Vishnu Shiva lingam at the center, says that sthalapuranam. In the case of those who are cursed by Ahalya gautamamaharsi devendrudu, known as the triads had approached the sapavimocananni.

Hanuman tokaku vennapusa

This field is located on the 18-foot statue of Hanuman such glorious. Can see from a distance of a little more massive appearance of such. They usually want to favor Hanuman anointed him the coats oak. On the contrary, the field itself, but tokaku svamivari 'vennapusa' re. They are also said to be attached to the custom of the time of Rama yana. Sitanvesana Lanka and Hanuman in the city, the army insists on being the Ravana. Tokaku his soldiers to fire at the behest of Ravana, Hanuman. Lord Hanuman is the moment that he has changed in favor of the building onto the flame of his tokaki appeals to terrorize them.

Most of the events are burned up the tail of Hanuman. Kalagalane intended to relieve the pain, He said to the Lord tokaki vennapusa rastunnattuga. It is the meaning behind the tradition is coming generations. He said he felt this way, Hanuman tokaki vennapusa of relief, it is believed that the devotees of Lord ayurarogyalanu ... astaisvaryalanu exalt.

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Krishna said that we know who the real enemy paramatmudu

Each manisilonu something that is an error. In accordance with the conditions to govern. Batty friends, enemies, we form our behavior. ... That is our friend, the enemy is within us both. Anger, lobham, envy, selfishness, lust, pride, all of which our enemies. ... Vitivalane bother because we'll be enemies.
... Paramatmudu Gita Krishna says, we know who the real enemy. Offer ...
Kama esa esa rage rajogunasamudbhavah
Mahasano mahapapma vairinam viddhyenamiha.

Diwali special offer .. !!! SanDisk Ultra MicroSDHC 16GB Class 10 Memory Card in just 285 / - !!!
By virtue of being produced by Raja kamakrodhalani satisfaction is difficult to determine. Raja attribute is no restraint on the senses. There is no end to the desires of the senses parugulettinappudu pariparividhala. That is the same lust! Tiranappudu this lust occurs cryptographic agility. Pony ... the desire to be ready to cast. Result! The man losing ties with his personality. Grahincalekapotadu the true value of this life. These properties lead you toward sin out of enemies. All a source that can occur as a result of the rajogunanni ... Kama, krodhalanu grahincamantunnadu srikrsnaparamatmudu enemies.

It is true that to read any of the myths, history of thromboembolism tiragesina lust of the eyes, many anardhalu, were ominous. ... Because of the great traits of lust led us to the creation of the stops are not the same. But it's not overly ... humanity is lost, destruction of livestock, where we ... we got to the philosophy that destroys a person also becomes a bad attribute. Srikrsnaparamatmudu told us so, we wish the destruction of the enemy ... we can control the pettukokapote
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It is good that we have papaya. ???

Many of us eat a lot of fruit like papaya. I tasted the fruit, even though all of that is a benefit of the health of pregnant women not to eat the fruit is very good.

What makes us so good for the health of papaya ...... ..

Papaya immunogenicity increases. Vitamin A, C and E are said to bear the Nutrition Consumption of papaya can be set up to check the obisitiki.
• paragadupuna a cup of papaya on a regular basis for controlling bad cholesterol in the body should take.
• padarthalekkuva peach papaya. Digestive problems far. Enarjinistundi body.
• cure skin diseases. Skin care is very good. Skin glow.
• eye is good. Divyausadhanga drstilopalanu works in treating papaya.
• In addition to cure cancer, prevent heart-related diseases, health experts say
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