
Sunday, 20 November 2016

Meditation and the different types of samadhi.

Meditation and the different types of samadhi. Pantajali, the author of the classic Yoga Sutras has Samadhi as the final stage of his 8 fold path. This follows the 7th stage, dhyana, or meditation. In samadhi one is in a total state of meditative absorption or Contemplation. There are different levels of samadhi, for example nirvalkpa- samadhi, which is a higher state of samadhi. "Nir" is a negative in sanskrit, for example the Buddhist nirvana, where spiritual ignorance is totally negated.

In samadhi, one is in a total state of meditative absorption and the need to meditate, in certain cases, no longer exits. But this varies from person to person, and from system to system. Ramana Maharishi, for example, it is said, just continued in a deep state of samadhi for his entire life. Swami Sivanada, continued to practice all the Yogas until his death or mahasamadhi. My own teacher, Lama Geshe Damchon Yenten, now 85, and a Gelugpa Lama (the same lineage as the Delai Lama. Gelugpa meaning the celibate lineage. The same as bramacharaya In Hinduism.) My Lama still meditates every day so as to attain Total Realization or Buddha- hood, even though he already in a total state of samadhi

Finally, the method I follow is the Tibetan Buddhist system of Dzogchen, of the Ningma lineage or "ancient" ones. Made famous in modern times by Lama Namhkai Norbu. Here one simply rests or relaxes in one's Understanding. One meditates for short periods during the day, identifies with one's True Nature, the Atman and then one simply relaxes in one's understanding. One can continue to do mantras, Bhakti Yoga, or any practice but the most important tool in this system is total Relaxation in the understanding of who we are. Not the jiva-atman or ego, but the Higher Self . That is the Atman and finally, the Cosmic Consciousness, Brahman.

what is reducing obesity to food?

18 years. My weight 82 kg. Five feet, three inches in height. I suffer from the problem of obesity suggest that obesity reduces the food.
Slowly reduce obesity, rather than all at once. The weight is two kilos per month. One hundred calories in our diet to shed a pound five weeks lose weight. Reduce one thousand calories per day. Dhanyalatopatu balanced diet, lentils, milk or yogurt, enough fruits and vegetables should be. You diet of chicken, fish, eggs, oil, sugar limit.

 Processed, fast food can not be more than ever. Biscuits, cakes, cookies completely avoided. You usually two rasagullalu tinetatlayite, limited to a rasagullake. Leave it on the disk of the ice-cream tinetatlayite Cup is limited to big to small. Kelarilunna in snacks, yogurt, fresh fruit, whole grain that is not sweet biscuits, fried Peanuts, perfume protect your health. It also was necessary to exercise at least 45 minutes per day during the week ayidurojulu. As a result, you will be in six weeks.

Karnphleks, oats, wheat, oats, combined with the impact of the reduced consumption?
Oates Oates other food, including decreases in effect. Oates said while taking a weekly day karnphleks innovative flavored food, wheat can be combined.

My 33 years of age. I am a vegetarian. Five feet six inches in height. Weight 58 kg. Please refer to healthy food. At my age telupagalaru take dietary supplements?
Putala twice per day for three meals, as well as you take a little bit of good snacks. Tinakandi overeating. Stop eating before slowly nindutundaga tinatantopatu stomach. Balanced diet of whole grains, pulses, milk, fruits, vegetables, make sure that. Meat, eggs, sugar, spices ensure moderate. At any time, except for special cases, processed food, fast food take much.  

The disk of your eating carbohydrates, proteins should be. Ie rice, dal or paneer, Roti, vegetables, low-kelarilunna yogurt, whole grain biscuits, fried take Peanuts. Avoid fatty junk food. Besides walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, playing badminton, 

such as compulsory exercises. Walking is good exercise for them. In addition, two or three days a week for 20 minutes is good for doing yoga. Your age is good for them to take nutritional supplements. However, consult your doctor before taking it.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Does lizard appears repeatedly in your home .. ..?

Lizard in the home appeared to be distasteful, difficult philavutam. Lizards at home, do not want no rotation. But being in the house .. lizards, lizard-like symptoms in some surprising signs of a turn around in the house to give. Lizard, capable of assessing in advance the future, to further knowledge of what will be, pointing to happen. That means we are able to guess the contents of the individual lizards .. uhistayata advance.
As with other animals .. La vyavamaristayi lizard messanrs. Powers themselves, sensing that the animals jaragabotundane any disaster .. they pasikattestayi advance. Communicate well .. in some cases are even lizards. Quote lizards, potladinappudu two lizards, lizards repeated that message back, let's see now .. sanketalento
Two lizards
If two lizards in the same place in your house that are involved in the fight .. vidipotarani signal from the person who loves you.
During a house blessing
.. .. Dead lizard was found during a house blessing of the health problems that come with that warning undaboyevallaku
EFT noise
Bally sound is heard during the day .. it is not a bad sign. There was no need to worry.

Hull lizard
EFT was a sign of the stomach, which means that women will get pregnant as soon as possible .. .. It seems, according to the Jamaican legend.
If you are working to fix the problem .. Balleine cusarante nimagnamainappudu .. .. that would solve the problem yourself, without having to leave the sign.
Enough sleep
If you are on the road to barricade comes lizard .. indicates that you have enough nidrapondadam
Knee lizard
That was good news vinabotunnarani knee .. you sign something.

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bananas eaten per day fairy changes that appear in the body ..

Banana fiber, vitamins, natural sugars, fructose, are sakroj. .. .. Banana for breakfast, so doctors also referred to enlist. Americans eat too much of bananas. We tintam as well as bananas. But .. black, spots formed padestuntam them. But most of it .. posakaluntayi.
Due to the change of accidents .. imyunitini strong anti bananas. Enhance white blood cells. Infections, and also prevent cancer. Included in the daily diet of bananas, why? By eating two bananas a day can help the body, know what changes are back ..
Bananas is a natural anti-acid. Heartburn minute to prevent it. Heartburn symptoms gamanincarante .. Learned a banana soon.
Blood PressureBlood Pressure
Potassium of bananas is high. Also there is no sodium. So .. it's good for the heart. As well as the control of blood pressure .. In addition to the daily consumption of two bananas, stroke, heart attack to prevent.Energy
Bananas give instant energy. So the pre-workout snack .. .. take a banana. The vitamins, minerals, is low glisemik. .. All of which improve the energy levels.
Animiyato banana can help those who suffer. Diet badhapadevallu enlisted in the Banana .. Iron animiyato gets to them. .. .. Receive enough iron, hemoglobin production, improving the blood supply improves.
Set up the problem lies in the stomach from ulcers. Badhapadevallu ulcers in the stomach .. so .. .. intake of bananas can get effective results.
.. Bananas can help reduce depression. It is tryptophan. It turns into serotonin. The serotonin that helps .. philavadaniki happy. Relax in and helps to change the mood. If so .. .. .. you philavutaro concern is advisable to eat the banana.
High fiber bananas. It helps .. badhapadevallaku with kantsipesan. It is a smooth bowel movement .. kantsipesan symptoms bayatapadestundi March.
If you eat lots of bananas lonavutunnarante .. .. it works as a medicine. Vitamins can not be regulated by sugarn .. .. Blood and fibers helps to relax the system. .. So the daily diet include two bananas. Effective results ..

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Does crow Screaming front of the house over and over again ..?


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 Animals, birds .. .. connected to the beliefs of many Hindu traditions define. Some of the animals, the birds would leave the eduroste .. good luck, believed to have given asubham.
Animals, birds .. .. connected to the beliefs of many Hindu traditions define. Some of the animals, the birds leave the eduroste .. will be good, some will encounter .. Hindus believe asubham.
As well as about the crow ..
There are many similar beliefs. According to the human life of our ancestors, are believed to be linked to the death of a crow ... Also, sometimes even our dead ancestors are believed to be in the form of a crow. So .. can understand veyagalugutayani crows to assess our future.

Go out
If you go out for the crows to come .. .. .. you're going to work hard to bring .. What is left to be the sign of the success of your journey.
Nitikundapai crow
Pot full of water to see who will be sitting in the crow coming soon .. .. .. riches kabotunnarani they sign.

Food pattukelle crow
If a crow .. Roti or bread or a piece of meat in his mouth, holding the moving cusarante .. something you vinabotunnarani good news, a sign of what's going to be good.
Person is removed
If a piece of meat that was crow pattukeltundaga .. .. .. Though touted ominous sign it. According to some texts .. it is a sign of death.
Crow flying
Even if the crow flies men or women, touching or striking took place .. .. those who experienced little sign of illness

Group ariste
.. .. As if joined together, screaming gulls drove near the house or office, or in a town near ariste .. Bad News to sign it. As well as the problems of the region to carry out the sign owner.
The head of the Valley
Scam or insults to a person's head Crow Valley .. they will lose the respect of the society .. sign.
Sits on the head
The head of the woman or her sits a crow .. .. refers to the fall of the problems with her husband.
Cusarante coming from the southeast side of the crow in the evening .. will dravyalabham suggests.
Waving wings, ariste
.. Continue to strongly hit the wings of a crow appeared and shouted, referring to .. .. .. message that death means istondani

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Guava tree leaves can reduce the hair fall

 That is, one of the guava tree urlo every backyards. Guava is a good medicine for health nuts. There are many attributes that are good for the health of guava. Alanti know how many of the attributes that include guava Aakul? The guava leaves Hair 

Loss prevent the buildup of tension to the hair. This is due to the excessive nutrients in guava Aakul. Guava leaves vitamin - B is much higher. It is much more effective on the hair. Guava leaf, as well as vitamin B-5, B-3, B-6 helps the skin to be brightening. Vitamin B 2 nivarincatantopatu dead cells in the skin, helps in the production of active molecules.

 Guava leaves enough of the need for clean water should be heated for about 15-20 minutes and rinse. Callare hold up in hot water, add to the boiling water on the head, slowly massage it would take longer to kudullalo munivellato hair. An hour later, as well as the head, which had the boiling water and then be off. If you continue like this for a month crust spindle hair, the eyelashes are udipokunda.

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Butter and increase the beauty of the week!


 Buttermilk makes the skin very good. This number is low because the immunity is high in calories.
After 20 minutes, took a bath on each of buttermilk if we eventually receive niganigaladutayi.
If the way to the skin in a bath of buttermilk after half an hour of a fall in skin diseases.

Buttermilk is also very soft to the skin as well as skin and sparkling writing.

This is among the most byutisiyanlu eventually, enhance the beauty of your skin ... Buttermilk is used in many of their kastamarlaku said.
In winter, the rainy season is on the increase, but the cold buttermilk, but we do not want to take the food, but because of the cold buttermilk early fall.

Buttermilk will work to ensure that the nutrients in the digestive tract.
The dark spots on the face of buttermilk every day during the week and removes the face exchange.

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real manasa sarovar moon pic

This is real PHOTO taken at Kailaas, Maan-Sarovar, Tibet-China border from 18, 600 feet height at 3.30a.m in the morning !!! ..zoom and see the mesmerising beauty of nature..

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If you know how to give a dowry to the gali son in law..shock

Karnataka mining Businessman air Reddy married the only daughter of the end of the story. But the marriage ended .. vivasayalaku end to the marriage. Ceppukovalsina was the most important daily news reports are too many. .. Looking forward to Brahmani, daughter of Rajiv Reddy held a grand wedding. Kanivini unprecedented 600 crore from 500's were forced to marry. Janardhan this single exhaust air coming out of all that is suspected to be given to how the alludiki dowry.Submits his daughter

 know how much air under the Grumpy velesukovalsinde dowry. 9 thousand crore has literally heard the news. The dowry and wedding costs orenjlo expenditures of the air ... there's also a huge given. Rs rate in sari of the bride. 17 crore being promoted. All of the wedding banquet dishes, without any lotu wanted to find every item making arrangements. Even now, dowry became a hot topic in the same way. Modi to cancel the influence of the dowry of the notes taken by the big changes have taken place in small talk doing the rounds. 

The problem is caused by the exchange of the notes as liquid cash, but instead seems to have some gold muttajeppinattu. Most of the information to be provided in the form of assets. Tirumala Tirupati Venkateswara Swamy in the past almost Rs. 45 million worth of gold has been submitted to the crown. Devudike that the cost of taking care of their baby alludiki giptunu iccadante doubt, What is it that is going to be handed over. Many businesses have come together so that there adrsnavantudenani air Janardhan joking. His only daughter Brahmi Gara .. .. why is praying that all his property after the marriage, was grand.

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Pass in front of the Bank of Books - tea stall svaiping Mission

 Rotate the exchange of bank notes should not be missed. Gantalakoddi waiting. No cash was still in the queue settars dincestunnaru banks. The next day it was back to the same queue. The queues are run out of money .. the place they are going to put in the bank pass books. The day after the placement of the Bank and the timing of opening nilabadutunnaru. What you are seeing the same image. It was the idea of ​​clients in a village in Uttar Pradesh. Nilabadaleka queued throughout the day are going to be put in front of their pass books of the banks. The Idea People tappayantunnaru difficulties.

Svaiping mission in Tea StallTarastayiki troubles joined the retailer in Hyderabad. Tea tagalante six, 10, is not hard to find at retail. Regular six, special chai 10 to Rs. Dorakkapovatanto retailer customers stopped coming. Dhamal per thousand business daily said. .. A tea stall in the Banjara Hills has svaiping mission. If the card has gikandi retailers that offer drink tea ... Cans we accept visa, master card - debit and credit cards and gave the board. It is also a good idea .. kuti svaiping chai for Rs one crore for the ideas, not with the same

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Do you know where the label is the only Shiva lingam upside down as penance?

 There is nowhere in the country is not in the village of Linga, Bhimavaram yanamadurru. The impressions of sex is being turned upside down as penance. There are several features of this temple. Shiva world, to prove the equality of forces in the same altar of Lord Shiva, Parvati, Kumaraswamy bayalpaddayi statues. The power of Goddess Parvathi. Saktisvarudu omnipotent power that be. Kumarasvamini child in the lap of the Goddess Parvati, who jaganmata months lalistunna form ammadi here.

Sivudukuda were set up as well as a special gesture. Usually emerges in the form of a gender difference in the appearance of the vadileyyatamekaka sakara mahasivudu shown. Taupo sirsasananlo pose can be found here. Shiva's matted hair is encountered Earth. That's on top of the face, throat, abdomen, knees, feet. Here is a story of veliyataniki also say Parvati Parameswara.Yamadharmarajuki once fed on the work that he vaccindita. He scared people over ceptene. 

 As for Lord Shiva meditated in this area did. Lord Shiva appeared in the killing of a monster into the future Yamadharmaraja pratististadani here, those who visited the detainees immediately if dirgharogalu nayamavutayani, healthy vuntarani, so yamudante tisevadekadu survivors, chronic disease that is also publicly praised nayanceyagalavadu varamiccaru that.Yamunapuram before the name.

 Sambirudane raksasudundevadu here. Sambirudu drown the torment of many atrocities who practice penance. Ivvanni that being able to drown him daggarakelli Yamadharmaraja morabettukunnaru campeyyamani. To drown out a lot of effort to kill the monster that protect Yama and lost many times in his hands.  

Then did penance for Lord Shiva. Shiva at that time are very pratyaksankaledu yoganistalo.Tapassuki yamuni stunned by Parvati, will vadhincetatlu sambaruni yamunikicci ansanu its constituent power. The area was named as a symbol of his success Yamadharmaraja yamapuri. Yama smallpox uppongipoyi mercy shown to him, the future of the Son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi, accompanied by difficulty in this area, there veliyamani asked him to pass the monsters. Parvati balintaralaina korikameraku yamuni his three-month toddlers, the omnipotent yoganistalo saksatkarincindi here.Saktikundamu in front of the temple is a freshwater lake. Svamivari anoints, naivedyaniki this water is consumed. Ceruvucuttu wall of the building and drying pond. 

 At the time of the offering tailor-made svamivari naivedyankosam vudakaleduta a pond of water. Then the priest undermine the pond water vaccindita endagattina. As soon as the water poured vudikindata vandaga offering. Since then other water applied Swami sacrifice. Saktikundamuloni water is not the usual water. Kashi ganganadiloni antarvahiniga streak come to an jiyalajistulu stated that flows here. So the lake samanamainadantaru Ganges.

Daksinakasiga called the ruler of this field Kumaraswamy. That snake. In this temple, two cobra guard were in the tank. Brahmamuhurtanlo the cobra rotate three times to return to the pond in the morning, and return to the Lord ceruvulokellipovatam cusinavarunnaru appearances. Now turn the premises of the two cobra children. Sometimes they are circling the statue of Swami. If they do not do anything to anyone.

Nandi temple on the east side of the mouth of the entrance, has a broken leg. Turuskulu when the attack on the temple of the Lord to take care of his karavalam sharpened muzzle there Nandi, ankle narakaga bayatapaddayita gems therein. If there are any number of the gems in the temple statue of a statue of an animal to visit the temple, the temple fell upon him, 

died kappukuli. There are the ruins of the temple behind. This is known to be old pancaramalakanna alayangurinci, about saktisvaruni, 68 verses of the great poet Kalidasa's epic Kumar stutincaduta incidence. Salpinatlu bhojaraju come to worship, the great poet Kalidasa pujincinatlu several times to come to power is also evident in the book. The temple is known poet wrote srinadha kasikhandam kavyanlokuda

Vara gave Parvati the influence of the bath where yamuniki vadhanantaram sambaruni saktikundanlo who fear apamrtyu vundadani, ravani premature diseases, have long obsessed with water, mixed with water rogalunnavallu sevincatanvalla this kundanloni nayamavutayani believe the disease.

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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

gali janardhan reddy daughter grand wedding..

Image result for gali janardhan reddy sangeeth leak

If there’s one family in the country that hasn’t been crippled by a cash crunch following the demonetisation announcement, then it has to be the Gali Janardhana Reddy family. 

The mining baron and former Karnataka minister, who is an accused in several money laundering and illegal mining cases, has spared no expense, effort or imagination to host the biggest, fattest wedding that Bengaluru has ever witnessed for his daughter, Brahmini.

So, while thousands of Bengalureans are waiting in line across banks in the city, hundreds unable to afford a meal, Janardhana Reddy is reportedly spending a whopping 500 crore rupees on his daughter’s wedding. 

The four-day ostentatious affair, which began on November 12 with a mehendi ceremony will culminate in an outrageously extravagant wedding on November 16. 

What does 500 crore rupees buy, you ask? 

For starters, Janardhana Reddy, who reportedly believes he’s the reincarnation of the 14th century Vijayanagara King Krishnadevaraya, has recreated the Vijayanagara empire on 36 acres of land at Palace Grounds in Bengaluru.  

The groom Rajeev Reddy, the son of a Hyderabad based industrialist, will tie the knot with Brahmini in a kalyana mantapa (wedding pavilion) that will resemble the Vijaya Vittala Temple in Hampi, reports BTV. Eight priests from the Tirupati Thirumala temple will perform the rituals, reports India Today.  

That’s not all. 

No faux-royal wedding is complete without a palace. Janardhana Reddy’s money will be spent on building King Krishnadevaraya’s palace, Lotus Mahal and Mahanavami Dibba all painstakingly reconstructed by some of Bollywood’s biggest art directors and around 100 labourers, reports Deccan Chronicle.  

The word “simple” it seems is missing from Janardhana Reddy’s lexicon. The former BJP minister will reconstruct his childhood home “Hale Mane” in Belgaavi and it is here that he will hand over his daughter to the groom.  

The other frills at the big fat Reddy wedding include elephants, camels and chariots. The dining hall will resemble a traditional village set-up in Bellari.

The wedding of the year will also, if rumours are to be believed, see the King Khan of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan and Prabhu Deva perform. 

Other celebrity names doing the rounds are Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhavan while Tollywood’s Rakul Preet Singh, Priya Mani, comedians Brahmanandam, and Ali are among the A-list performers, reports Manorama.  

The newspaper estimates that 30,000 guests will participate in the wedding festivities, with 1500 rooms in star hotels booked to accommodate them, while 2000 cabs will ferry them to the venue and back. 15 helipads have also been set up to fly-in VIP guests. 

Keeping with palatial theme, attendants will be dressed as soldiers to usher the guests into the wedding.

The bride’s wedding trousseau will comprise a Rs 17-crore saree, which she will wear on her wedding day. The multi-crore saree will be accessorised with jewellery worth 90 crore rupees, gifted by the bride’s father for the special day. 

But how exactly is Janardhana Reddy footing the bill for the extravagant wedding? 

Having been arrested by the CBI on the charges of illegal mining in 2011, Janardhana Reddy was granted bail by the Supreme Court in January 2015 on the condition that he does not visit his hometown of Ballari and Kadapa, where his mining company is situated. 

The apex court, however, relaxed its restrictions for 21 days from November 1 to November 21, allowing him to visit Ballari in view of his daughter’s wedding. 

In 2014, a special anti-money laundering court attached assets worth Rs 37.86 crore belonging to Janardhana Reddy and his wife in connection with the mining scam. The ED had also frozen his bank accounts, besides attaching properties in Bengaluru and Ballari.

Quoting anti-corruption activists, Hindustan Times reported in January 2015 that that the BJP leader has parked between Rs 40,000 crore to Rs 50,000 crore in tax havens such as Singapore, Mauritius and Isle of Man. 

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Hindu cult insight operations

 1. Hours:Plays during the hours of worship in the temples. This has the benefit of two ways. Entering into a one-outer to the sounds of the world, the second-mind upon God to help drive ekagranga.2dipa Aarti:God has lit a lamp in front of the statue to rotate.  

The antarartham think it embodies the divine light. Divine light. At the time, this is the feeling of the devotees. "Swami! Jyotivi this universe are self-christ. The sun, the moon, and the glory of it all. You are the light. Our thy divine light to remove the darkness, influence our mind that ".3. incenseVeligistamu agaruvattulanu fragrant before God.  

Their scents are spread in all directions. Incense, which also serves as a disinfectant. Ubiquitous God. Nindiyunnadu get the feeling that the entire universe of the lot. This is all consistent matiki there would recalled.4. turpentine heaveKarpuramuvale personal vanity dissolve antarartham the aarti. In this way, devotees seek to unite jivatma dada.
 5. sandalwood serviceThis means that the service is too. The statue of God grind hundred gandhanni apply. Sandalwood multitude of endurance to bear the work, the better the flavor is ahladam vedajalli. How many hardships and struggles of a molecule that was devoted to a multitude receive a smile. Under no circumstances satruvukaina talapettakudadu unexpected. This is the gandhasevaloni antarartham.6. WorshipGod the document, flower, fruit, Flip Puja,

 the devotees are presented to them. But these do not have God. In fact, God does not demand any materials submitted to the devotees. But the offering is a great baby.7 document (the body)It is trigunalato. Puja offer it to God.8 flower (heart)Puce lily flower on the tree here is not meant to be. Kusumam means that the heart of fragrant spices.  

Contains daivaparanga offer such a heart.9 product (mind)The results of such actions, and we reap the fruits of the mind that we have to sacrifice ceyalidanne is expected to sacrifice to the gods.10. Flip (water)Our heartfelt love of God, it shall mean the water, leading to feelings of joy, tears of joy, and spiritual needs daivanike sacrifice.

 11 CoconutsCoconut fiber is covered with the desires of the heart. In the culture of the water. The dietary fiber from coconut verujesi desires of the heart, sweeter coconut should sacrifice to the gods. The same is true reporting.  

Vunnantakalam within the culture, the heart of the moving body will attach. The smell of coconut fiber does not leave the desire of the heart. If things are good to plant seeds seed manancese polustarumanci molustundo how to do good deeds to earn good results.12. worshipedKalasivuntayi add a padivellu hands. Padivellu ten indriyamulaku remember this.  

The karmendriya, in the heart of jnanendriyamulanu paramatmaku kainkaryamu Wherefore namaskaramuloni adding that the inner meaning of the hands.13. CirclingMullokamulanniyu show in the image of God. Sagunakaramaina that the idol of God or the gender, but did walk around the three worlds, is the result of the sarvadevatalaku hi .. I was one of the circling pujangamulalo

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What is the Gita. ! What the Gita says.!! what is lord says..

- Life after caduvukovalsina book?- Retirement prize giving day, co-workers?- CD to play someone died?- It's not just Hindus?- Panipata sanyasincamani said it quits?Not. These are all myths. In a word Gita 'dynamic priskipsan for Life'. Gadapalante santrptisantosalu filled life, work and success is to understand the line☆ Gita hinduvuladi, so I .Duh, I do not need it, "the tellers elantivallante" Newton discovered the theory of gravity, it britisvalladi - we avoided it said, "is called themselves. Everyone notch Indians.☆ babble that you will be happy. You can actually exceeds the desire to be happy. For example, needs promotion, ... it feels like to be a person who is constantly thinking about it, except that worries marem suggestions. He is honest enough to worry about his work with the same person without cesukupoye get promotion. Notch to say the same. You do your job, would not think about the result.

 Sannyasa is not kasayadustulato. It was a mood. Between one hundred, one hundred works like droplet on the tamaraku sanyasamante stop.☆ sense of what it means to govern is not to have to bother you to abandon everything. M the world with the help of all the senses, vadukomani wisely. I quote so calm, so that will be a success.☆ unnadanukondi a player. His ability, fitness, all the same, despite the one-day wins, the next day, only to be defeated in a terrible, usual performance shows the next day. Why? Magic of the Mind. If the mind at ease, as if looking forward to achieve something. Gita tells sadhincadamelago tranquility. Feels like a performance just for you in the midst of you. 'I know whether the new power that surpasses it. For example, playing just for my pleasure, "the future of the player wanting to stop there. His new enthusiasm for the country as soon as the same comes to the stage, concentration plays, he varistundi success. 'Not me,' See accompanying responsibility with whatever you increase the concentration increases. The Bhagavad Gita is the same.☆ What is the Gita?

 Dharmadharmala worried about.Kartavyam worried about.That is not the gratification of desires ... tells pettukovadamani nagarikata control.- Tells how to live happily.Sukham ... peace ... sacrifice ... ... what is yoga.What is permanent is transient edi.Gives thanks to the baby.Atma as proof of philosophy.But also for the world to live for svakalyanam Kalyanam says.... Salvation ... ... adhyatmam jnanam Brahmam tells what it means.Evadu scholars who tells sthitaprajnudo.Pratiphalapeksa is a great pleasure to be involved in the ritual.Eternal glory is much work to be cesevadiki manci.Paramatmudiki who is favorite.Ayannu reaching means.Karma, devotion, through the knowledge and the means to capture and manage the finger, man is God.Nilane other pranikotini will love. Controls the unhealthy emotions.So for sarvamanavali Gita. Blessed are understood. Gita does not kill acarincevarini different matagrantham La denominational traditions. Me and everyone talks about us. Man tells how to achieve progress.

Cash King: india billionaire builds model palace for daughter's 500-crore wedding Mining baron Janardhana Reddy has recreated the Vijayanagara empire at Palace Grounds in Bengaluru.2016 nov 16

 ..If there’s one family in the country that hasn’t been crippled by a cash crunch following the demonetisation announcement, then it has to be the Gali Janardhana Reddy family.


The mining baron and former Karnataka minister, who is an accused in several money laundering and illegal mining cases, has spared no expense, effort or imagination to host the biggest, fattest wedding that Bengaluru has ever witnessed for his daughter, Brahmini.


So, while thousands of Bengalureans are waiting in line across banks in the city, hundreds unable to afford a meal, Janardhana Reddy is reportedly spending a whopping 500 crore rupees on his daughter’s wedding.


The four-day ostentatious affair, which began on November 12 with a mehendi ceremony will culminate in an outrageously extravagant wedding on November 16. ..

What does 500 crore rupees buy, you ask?

For starters, Janardhana Reddy, who  believes he’s the reincarnation of the 14th century Vijayanagara King Krishnadevaraya, has recreated the Vijayanagara empire on 36 acres of land at Palace Grounds in Bengaluru.

The groom Rajeev Reddy, the son of a Hyderabad based industrialist, will tie the knot with Brahmini in a kalyana mantapa (wedding pavilion) that will resemble the Vijaya Vittala Temple in Hampi,. Eight priests from the Tirupati Thirumala temple will perform the rituals,*


That’s not all.

No faux-royal wedding is complete without a palace. Janardhana Reddy’s money will be spent on building King Krishnadevaraya’s palace, Lotus Mahal and Mahanavami Dibba all painstakingly reconstructed by some of Bollywood’s biggest art directors and around 100 labourers,


The word “simple” it seems is missing from Janardhana Reddy’s lexicon. The former BJP minister will reconstruct  his childhood home “Hale Mane” in Belgaavi and it is here that he will hand over his daughter to the groom.



The other frills at the big fat Reddy wedding include elephants, camels and chariots. The dining hall will resemble  a traditional village set-up in Bellari.


The wedding of the year will also, if rumours are to be believed, see the King Khan of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan and Prabhu Deva perform.


Other celebrity names doing the rounds are Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhavan while Tollywood’s Rakul Preet Singh, Priya Mani, comedians Brahmanandam, and Ali are among the A-list performers,

The newspaper estimates that 30,000 guests will participate in the wedding festivities, with 1500 rooms in star hotels booked to accommodate them, while 2000 cabs will ferry them to the venue and back. 15 helipads have also been set up to fly-in VIP guests.


Keeping with palatial theme, attants will be dressed as soldiers to usher the guests into the wedding.



The bride’s wedding trousseau will comprise a Rs  17 crore saree , which she will wear on her wedding day. The multi-crore saree will be accessorised with jewellery worth 90 crore rupees, gifted by the bride’s father for the special day.


But how exactly is Janardhana Reddy footing the bill for the extravagant wedding?


Having been arrested by the CBI on the charges of illegal mining in 2011, Janardhana Reddy was  granted bail  by the Supreme Court in January 2015 on the condition that he does not visit his hometown of Ballari and Kadapa, where his mining company is situated.


The apex court, however, relaxed its restrictions for 21 days from November 1 to November 21, allowing him to visit Ballari in view of his daughter’s wedding.


In 2014, a special anti-money laundering court  attached assets worth Rs 37.86 crore belonging to Janardhana Reddy and his wife in connection with the mining scam. The ED had also frozen his bank accounts, besides attaching properties in Bengaluru and Ballari.


Quoting anti-corruption activists,  reported in January 2015 that that the BJP leader has parked between Rs 40,000 crore to Rs 50,000 crore in tax havens such as Singapore, Mauritius and Isle of Man.


But the CBI’s conservative figure pegged the mining baron’s off-shore money at Rs 5000 crore, with the report suggesting that the investigating agency was finding it difficult to recover the money, as officials at the tax havens were refusing to share information on Janardhana Reddy’s wealth.


But not everyone is on-board with the over-the-top spectacle, especially when lakhs across the country are scrounging for cash.


State health minister KR Ramesh Kumar, who had introduced the private members bill to stop the excessive display of wealth at weddings, had stated that no individual with self-respect would attend the wedding.


Publicly deriding Janardhana Reddy for his daughter’s opulent wedding card, fitted with an LCD screen, Kumar said, “It is a sheer obscene display of wealth. I will not attend this marriage. I will not attend such marriages if any of my relatives or friends indulge in displaying the wealth.”


The word “simple” it seems is missing from Janardhana Reddy’s lexicon. The former BJP minister will reconstruct  his childhood home “Hale Mane” in Belgaavi and it is here that he will hand over his daughter to the groom.




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