
Thursday, 28 July 2016

10 Tips Aid A Good Night's Sleep

Sleep deprivation and insomnia can leave you feeling exhausted and frustrated. These 10 simple tips will help you to get a good night's sleep!

Grainy eyes, groggy head, fuzzy vision: sleep deprivation and insomnia can leave you feeling rough. As we all know, a good night's sleep is incredibly important. It gives your mind and body a chance to rest and recuperate after a long day and allows your brain the chance to process the day’s events. Sleeping also allows your brain to rest and process information, forming new pathways and long-term memories that are essential to your mental health and development.

However, sometimes life gets in the way of maintaining a healthy sleeping pattern. Long flights, late nights, jet lag, too much coffee or just a stressful day can mean that we struggle to get away to the land of nod when our heads hit the pillow. If you find yourself in that position, desperate for sleep but unable to nod off, it can be incredibly frustrating. Especially since every second that ticks by makes you acutely aware that you’re getting ever closer to your alarm going off!

1. Cut Out Technology In Bed

In this modern era, we’re tied to our smartphones. Whether you're tired or not, it can be all too tempting to scroll through Facebook, tweet on Twitter, or binging on app store games when you get into bed after a long day. The problem is that laptops, tablets and smartphones emit a light that confuses our brains into staying awake and keeps us from sleeping. What's more, a study showed that using such devices stimulates brain activity which essentially makes you feel more alert and less sleepy. Avoid using technology before you head to bed - ideally for two hours before you're planning on going to sleep. 

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